Monday, June 20, 2011

Big Waves.. Big Walleyes... and good friends

I had the boat full of tackle, walleyes, and old friends.  At times the waves were so high we would go from seeing 20 miles, only to see a wall of water seconds later.  Good thing the giant eyes cooperated!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

While it shouldn't be a surprise, we went out and pulled spinners.  The crew held tough, as it was really rough on the way out.  The tip of the day was not paying too much attention to the graph.  The super clear water kept us from marking the fish in the upper part of the water column while at fishing speed.  We marked them low, but fished them high.  Had the boat in one pass....including some giants!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Still putting a hurtin on em!!!

Today was one of those days where we made all the right decisions. Started in the right spot and dialed them in quick. The Big Kat and Farm Child (names handed out today) did a great job at sealing the deal. Managed an incredible 6lb average, with a few hogs thrown in the mix. We were pulling a combo of regular and UV Silver Streak blades much faster than normal, as the temp is nearly 70 degrees.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Onslaught Continues!!!!

Today we had several over 10lbs...a couple are headed to the taxidermist by today's crew. While my fishing skills were on camera skills kinda sucked.  As expected we were again pulling Silver Streak Spinners.  The difference was the water realllllllly cleaned up over night on the few areas I have been running. We switched to a few of my favorite NON UV colors and that seemed to due the trick.  While Luke took a verbal beating from me....he didn't seem to mind after getting his third giant aboard!!! The fish were a little higher than yesterday.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Catching a Pile

I know I have said before...but after a crappy winter and early spring, we're due.  Today we gave a really really good effort at tagging every fish in the lake.  We had more than 40 fish over 6lbs, with a few true giants in the mix. We used a variety of spinners, but the most important factor was keeping an eye on the speed and the shifting of lead lengths throughout the day.  We handled about 70 fish...keeping a few for the dinner plate of today's crew. 
A prototype Silver Streak called Short Skirt was like a machine gun, doing a lot of damage...I would have had them on all rods if I had more!