Friday, November 11, 2011

Me, Doc, and Giant Eyes!!!

Crazy time of year.  I have been trying to update everything in a timely fashion...which sometimes doesn't always happen after a long day on the water.  A pic of a a true double header that me and electronics guru Bruce Samson landed a few days ago.  The fish will get bigger as the weather gets colder! Me and Bruce were working on a really neat project which will be released some time this spring. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Highs and Lows

Its finally that time of year when the big girls are hear and plentiful, problem is that the muddy water is as well. We have had incredible days and slow days mixed together, but it really has been worth it.  We have had some absolutely giant fish in the boat already.  Look for some awesome fishing to take place as soon as the weather gives us a little break