Sunday, May 27, 2012

More Big Walleyes...New Lures...& a Lil Outdoor Life Action

The walleye fishing this week has been nothing short of amazing.  We are still pulling spinners with the walleyes switching up their color preference.  It's been a while since I've seen them this color sensitive.

Silver Streak UV blades have been really good on overcast days, while the Antifreeze Silver Streak blades have been good when its sunnier.  A new prototype Silver Streak blade blank has been REALLLLLL good.  Enough so that it will likely hit the shelves much sooner than expected. 

These boys can attest to the spinner thing

On a separate note, it was nice to open up the current issue of Outdoor Life and bring back memories of some giants we caught first thing this year  Gotta love Erie....Land of the Giants

I still have some open charter dates...get em while the getting is still good.  We will continue to have great fishing!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

FLW follow up

It's been a month of non stop fishing...or should I say CATCHING.

I finished up okay at the FLW Tour with almost a 7lb average, but not enough for the big trophy.  Tough deal when you make the right decisions but don't land the ones you need. We were handling about 30 to 40 fish per day, but only a handful of the "weigh fish" we needed. Bitter Sweet!

Silver Streak has some newer UV and anti freeze blades that REALLY caught em good. Keep an eye out for them in the near future

A big thanks to all that helped out and for all of the people that make this possible for me