Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My last ice stuff for this year

I'm not sure if your suppose to blog a blog...but this is a link to a interesting observation I had while fishing at lake Simcoe.  It orginally appeared in North American Fisherman's blog.



Thursday, February 7, 2013

GIANT SUMO PERCH! and a bunch of random stuff

Just got back from a trip to Simcoe. We managed to catch a bunch of perch but figured out some really innovative ways to catch the big ones.  Much like Lake Erie at times you have to figure out something to keep the little ones off and the big ones on.  More on exactly what I'm talking out soon...I'm already working on a piece for the Ice Team site detailing this.

I used a lot of new or prototype equipment and have been super pleased in the last month or so.  One that stood out was a new protoype Blood Run Ice line that will be coming out next year.  Much like the old original golden stren this opaque line allows you to line watch and make sure your not caught on anything, makes tying knots a world easier, etc. This stuff is super strong for the small diameters...we have been messing with 2, 3, and 4lb test with panfish and perch, but it has held up well with some larger incidental catches.

Look for a new episode of the "Local Catch" coming in a few weeks or less.  We caught some nice panfish and I make a fool out of myself a few times...funny stuff.

Lastly I'll be at several boat shows or seminars in the coming weeks.  I also will be doing a seminar/workshop sat Feb 23rd At Netcraft in Maumee OH. Cost is $20, but includes a gift certificate for 20 to Netcraft...win win deal!

We still have spots open for the Spring walleye clinic that Bruce Samson, Johnnie Candle and myself will be putting on...this is one of the best projects I have been involved with. http://www.hightechfishing.com/store/Lake_Erie_Walleye_School.html

Book is also available for sale on the bigwaterfishing site.
